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Security and Privacy Measures

Security Measures

At Loyal Source Government Services, we take the security and privacy of our data seriously. LoyalGPT is designed with robust security measures to safeguard our internal data and ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information.

Session Monitoring and Storage

All sessions within LoyalGPT are actively monitored and securely stored in a database. This database is accessible only to authorized application administrators. The purpose of session monitoring is to maintain the security and integrity of our systems, as well as to ensure compliance with company policies and regulations.

Purpose of Monitoring

The monitoring of sessions within LoyalGPT is primarily intended to:

  • Safeguard company data and sensitive information

  • Prevent unauthorized access or misuse of the system

  • Detect and mitigate potential security threats or breaches

  • Ensure compliance with company policies and industry regulations

User Responsibilities

While LoyalGPT is designed to enable employees to enhance productivity and streamline workflows, it's important to understand that all sessions are subject to monitoring. Employees are permitted to use LoyalGPT for non-private personal uses, but it's essential to recognize that these sessions are surveilled and may be reviewed by application administrators.

Compliance and Accountability

By using LoyalGPT, employees agree to comply with company policies regarding the use of internal systems and data. Any misuse or violation of these policies may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Reporting Security Concerns

If you encounter any security concerns or suspect unauthorized access to LoyalGPT, please report them immediately to the IT security team or your supervisor.

Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining the security and integrity of our systems and data.

Last modified: 14 April 2024